The end of the growing season has arrived. However, I don't believe it is truly the end of the gardening season. Now it's time to take note of what went well and what could be improved. It's time to clean up the garden and even to prepare some beds for spring.
I am cooking the last batch of home-grown green beans as I write. Ahh...the pleasures of organic, home grown food. I
You can find them in the local grocer or farmers' market and you can order seed potatoes to grow your own. I am starting to do some looking for sources. Ronniger Potato Farms, LLC is one business I have found which has a wide variety of seed potatoes including heirlooms.
Here are some fingerling recipes to inspire you at I will say that my favorite way to fix green beans is boiled with potatoes and onions, lightly butter with just a sprinkle of salt and pepper.
Now is also the time to think about planting berry bushes and fruit trees. Fall is the perfect time to plant shrubs and trees. We are planning a trip to a berry farm this Saturday to purchase half a dozen blueberry bushes. Blueberries are close to perfection when it comes to fruit. The bushes are easy to care for. The fruit does not need to be seeded or peeled. You can pick them, bag them, and pop them in the freezer for good eating all winter long. They are high in anti-oxidants, iron and vitamin C. You can plant early, mid, and late bearing varieties to extend your harvest. Not only do they produce beautiful fruit, in the Spring they are covered with pretty flowers and in the fall they foliage turns an awesome red.
Enjoy this informative video about Blueberries!
This is where we will be headed this Saturday: Waters Blueberry Farm.
Here are some places you can look at as well:
Where to order:
Waters Blueberry Farm, Smithville, Mo., (816) 532-3473;
Burnt Ridge Nursery Orchards in Onalaska, Wash., (360) 985-2873;
Gurney's Seed & Nursery Co., Greendale, Ind., (513) 354-1491;
Hartmann's Plant Co., Lacota, Mich., (269) 253-4281;
Miller Nurseries, Canandaigua, N.Y., (800) 836-9630;
Raintree Nursery, Morton, Wash., (360) 496-6400;
St. Lawrence Nurseries, Potsdam, N.Y., (315) 265-6739;
Spring Hill Nursery (for the compact "Tophat" blueberry), Harrison, Ohio, (513) 354-1509;
Stark Bro's Nurseries & Orchards Co., Louisiana, Mo., (800) 325-4180;
Buzz it up