"It doesn't need an acre of garden, a window box is a very good start."
Prince Charles, in a look-back to the "Dig for Victory" campaign of WWII, is endorsing a new campaign of victory gardening. I am so very happy that we now have a royal reason to enjoy our backyard gardens in addition to the pleasures of fresh food, we can now take pride that the Victory Garden movement is royally official.

Along with our own gardens it is important to buy locally as much as possible to help support local farmers and local suppliers of goods and services. The closer to home we shop the better it is for Mother Earth and for the local community.
During the world wars, our parents and grandparents learned the benefits of community. Everyone had to pull together to support the war effort. But as soon as the war was over, the "modern era" emerged with more and more technology driven ways to support our needs and wants. Along with the growth of the multinational corporations whose pursuit to supply demand with ever cheaper products, modern technology at low cost has driven us to the ends of the earth to supply our everyday needs.
This has wrought benefits, but the burden of producing this lifestyle has weighed heavy on our environment and our local communities. Our pursuit of the "modern" life has brought us to a crisis that will require an effort similar to that of WWII to support the war against global warming.
It is good to know that we can make a difference by digging in our own backyards.
Buzz it up

So exciting...good on him, yes?
Yes, it is exciting to have high-level recognition of the Victory Garden movement. Now if our officials in the U.S. would do the same!
Did you see how many people have watched Eat The View's "This Lawn is Your Lawn" video at YouTube.com? Already over 10,000 hits...I think it's going to happen. ;-)
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