It's time for a new garden season! I am sure many of you have been planning for months. Last year, as a newby gardener, or rather a returning gardener, I got a very late start planting my first plants and seeds in late June. This year, though later than the real garden troupers, I am starting earlier.
I have ordered two more raised garden beds. Last year I started with one raised bed which was 4 feet by eight feet and 22 inches high. I am going to break down last years bed and tranform it into three 4 by 4 beds, 11 inches high, then add two more 4 by 4 beds for a total of 5 beds. This will give me 80 square feet of gardening space. Last year I had 32 square feet of raised bed gardening space so this will almost triple my capacity.
I am counting on my basset puppy Michelle and her cohort Max (also a basset, but more mature) staying out of the beds. I had built the one last year 22 inches tall to keep them out. Crossing my fingers that we all get along! LOL.